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Tuesday, October 18, 2011


Race is only a social construct which has no scientific basis. We all belong to the same species, Homo sapiens. As a species, I don't see us developing a common unity if we can't look past this unfortunate barrier. Culture is what really defines a group of people. Culture is NOT innate or inherited genetically, like skin color is, however it is learned through growth and interaction with others.

For example, if I was to take an African baby from Mali, West Africa and place that baby in, say, Tokyo, Japan, that child would grow up in relation to the respective society's culture. That child will speak, think and behave differently, when compared to a child who was raised in Mali, West Africa.

It just annoys me when race is used only for one's own agenda, promoting social inequality and racism. All I ask is, can we please look past race, because how someone is on the inside is what truly matters. 

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